
The T2D Project will need a broad set of skilled workers across hundreds of different roles during construction.

It will support 5,500 jobs per year on average during main construction, creating a skills legacy for South Australia.

The project is committed to providing opportunities for local people, Aboriginal workers, apprentices, trainees and job seekers who are long-term unemployed.

Jobs will include hands-on, supervisory and engineering roles in construction. Most jobs will involve working on-site but office-based corporate, drafting and project management roles will also be available.

Some of the jobs that will be in demand during construction include:

Construction  |  Design |  Safety & Risk  |  Environment  |  Community Engagement  |  Traffic Management  |  Commercial  |  Finance  |                                                                                                              People & Culture  |  Quality  |  Site- based Roles  

In addition to these roles, there are many more opportunities for careers in civil road and tunnel construction works over the life of this unprecedented project.

To see all current opportunities please CLICK HERE